Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Learning from a Lesbian Visitor to Your Church

This short article really made me think and repent of my selfishness.  Here is an excerpt:

"We want to be affirmed as we are.
  •  If I join your church, will I be expected to change my prejudice and bigotry toward those of different races? I want a church where people look and think like me.
  • If I join your church, will I be expected to change my living arrangements? I know cohabitation isn’t best, but I don’t want the church prying into my personal life.
  • If I join your church, will I be expected to reach out to lost people with the gospel? I don’t want a church that’s always harping on evangelism.
  • If I join your church, will I be expected to give generously? I don’t want a church that talks about money too much.
  • If I join your church, will I be expected to serve? I’ve got a lot going on, and aside from a few hours a week, my schedule is off limits.
The list could go on. At the heart of this conversation is repentance. Can I come to Jesus on my own terms? Or will I have to change?"

Read more:

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