I skimmed over this review on a book that disagrees with Weston Price's findings. I particularly would like to read the context of this quote:
"Dr. Price's dietary studies are largely irrelevant today, Robbins tells us, for "[w]e cannot go back to a past that can never be again."
In his attempt to convince us that these cultures are largely vegetarian, he omits important information about their consumption of meat and other animal foods—the very foods Dr. Price found most essential in healthy indigenous societies. Robbins spends several pages reviewing Price's work, noting that after the introduction of refined foods, the health of the indigenous populations studied quickly declined. But rather than discussing Price's most central finding—that fat-soluble activators found only in animal fats were absolutely essential in every indigenous culture for providing immunity to disease and the ability to "make perfect babies" generation after generation—Robbins makes this statement about Price: "However, it is also important to recognize the limitations of his views."26
He then goes on to denigrate Price's research and to present a bizarre argument attempting to link meat eating with overaggressive behavior, including torture and human sacrifice.27
In the next chapter it's off to the China Study, and there follow several chapters on how a plant-based diet is the only way to save the planet. Dr. Price's dietary studies are largely irrelevant today, Robbins tells us, for "[w]e cannot go back to a past that can never be again."
Never mind that grassfed animals and their milk, fish from unpolluted waters, and plant foods together sustained life and health for hundreds of generations. Never mind that Dr. Price was unable to locate a vegetarian culture living in perfect health. Never mind that a grass-based agricultural system could replace today's unsustainable corporate, industrial agriculture and feed our people a truly healthy diet. Never mind Price's evidence that nutrient-dense foods rich in fat-soluble activators are vital if human beings are to maintain even the basic ability to reproduce successfully. How is it that Robbins, who appears to mean well, goes so far off the mark?
A Thumbs Down Review: Healthy at 100: The Scientifically Proven Secrets of the World's Healthiest and Most Long-Lived Peoples;
The Weston A. Price Foundation
A past that can never be? It sounds like he believes that traditional practices are unsustainable and therefore he is searching for an alternative. Quote:
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