Friday, May 23, 2014

2-3 Ingredients Main dishes and more (Or Cooking with No Time)

What works for me when I'm having trouble planning/ cooking meals....

Must fit in to categories:

2-3 Ingredients Main dishes
One (stock) pot meals  (I cook for leftovers
Fix it and Forget it One Crock pot meals  (for those days when...)
The all encompassing tossed salad: protein, veggies, fat, carbs...

The2-3 Ingredients Main dishes

for slowcooker: 

MANGO Salsa Chicken

Bake/Slow cook Whole Chicken with homemade seasoning mix, make crockpot stock, add veggies, rice/pasta,

 Bottom Round Roast

Close enough to easy: Teriyaki Chicken

One pot meals

Tortellini Soup from the Harvard Homemaker
Chicken Veggie Pasta/Ragu, Lazy Vegetable Lasagna, or similar (like Goat Cheese Spinach Pasta) eggplant opportunity!

Rice Stir Fry (add eggs, fried first) try curry variation

For the Oven:

Meaty Mexican Chip Dip 

Meat Loaf
 Broccoli Cheddar Quiche


Gluten Free Cupcakes book recipe :2 ingredients: white chocolate and almond flour, I think
Baked Fruit
Texas Style cobbler

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